IT Blog by Ilarion Halushka

Sharing thoughts and experience

Costs and Risks of Losing an Employee

1 min

Boy Shocked

Costs. 🔗

  • Finding replacement may take from 1 to 12 months, depending on seniority and job market.
  • Time of engineers/managers on interviewing new candidates.
  • Money on recruitment activities.
  • Equipment, accesses, tools, documentation, forms, calendars, etc.
  • Other employees may lose motivation if ex-employee was a good colleague/friend.
  • Educating the new employee the same things that you taught ex-employee - 1-6 month.

  • While looking for replacement you need to find someone to fulfill the duties of the ex-employee.
  • Waiting for new the employee to get familiar with existing project may take 1-12 months, depending on project complexity and age.
  • New developer 100% won’t know everything about system, what ex-employee knew. Say welcome to the new unexpected bugs :(.

Risks. 🔗

  • Risk #0: missed deadlines.
  • Risk #1: few times I’ve seen that the ex-employee drags colleagues along to the new company.
  • Risk #2: the new employee won’t be accepted by the team.
  • Risk #3: the new employee won’t accelerate to the same pace as ex-employee did.
  • Risk #4: the new employee may not like the project/management/team and leave in a few months or a year, and the company is back to square 1.

Questions Of The Day. 🔗

  • Will the new employee demand less compensation?

  • Why not just promote the ex-employee then? :thinking-face: