IT Blog by Ilarion Halushka

Sharing thoughts and experience

My Impostor Syndrome

1 min

What Is Impostor Syndrome? 🔗

My Symptoms 🔗

  • Feeling that EVERYONE knows something that I don’t.
  • Afraid to tell my opinion on some technical meeting if I am not sure about my expertise.
  • Feeling surprised when looking at someone’s code.
  • Saying “I know” when in doubt.

Confession. Things I Think Everyone Else Knows, But I Don’t 🔗

  • Full understanding of ALL Design patterns.
  • How to properly follow SOLID principles in JS project.
  • Non-trivial SQL queries, difference between SQL databases.
  • Node.js internals in depth.
  • Docker/Kubernetes/Terraform.
  • Deep understanding of Concurrent programming.
  • Websockets, media streaming.
  • Transactions between multiple microservices/databases.

You Cannot Know Everything 🔗

    Any tool, any framework, any library way of usage can be learnt during short period of time. There is no need to know just everything. We usually only need to know things that help us solve problems that we face. Any additional knowledge can get acquired as it becomes needed.

    Still I think that basic Computer Science things should be learnt and mastered. Languages change, frameworks change, tools change, libraries change - Computer Sciences stay same.

My Way To Fight Impostor Syndrome 🔗

  • Say to myself “If millions of other people could learn it, then I also can.”;
  • When facing unknown technology - just put it on my TODO-Learn list.
  • Think about situations when I saw someone else face Impostor Syndrome.