IT Blog by Ilarion Halushka

Sharing thoughts and experience

Results Of My IT Courses

2 mins

Teacher at courses

Background of friends students. 🔗

    3 of 5 were not familial with IT at all. The rest 2 studied some basics at universities.

    3 of 5 had intermediate level of English. The rest 2 spoke no English.

Name Age Education English
Maxim 21 Bachelor’s in Computer Sc. intermediate
Artem 22 Bachelor’s in Electrical Engineering intermediate
Andrey 22 Bachelor’s in System Analysis intermediate
Dmitriy 22 4th year student (History) 404 Not Found
Michail 20 4th year student (Mechanical Engineering) 404 Not Found

Timing. 🔗

    There are lots of criteria for boosting the search, and most important one is English level.

    Some students were technically stronger with better English, but it took them longer to find a job. Definitely luck always plays role in finding first job.

    On average the course took around 1 month of full time studying (200-300 hours).

Name Time to study before applying Time to first offer
Maxim 1 months 2 weeks
Artem 6 months 1 month
Andrey 2 months 1 month
Dmitriy 2 weeks 1 week
Michail 1 months 9 months

Which companies hired? 🔗

    Range of levels of companies is wide - starting from small outsourcing, ending with a product used by millions.

Name Company Type Employees count
Maxim RinGames outsource 20+
Artem SoftServe outsource/outstaff 1500+
Andrey Absolutist product 80+
Dmitriy Citrus product 1500+
Michail Ria product 200+

Roles QA/AQA/Developer 🔗

    At the time of beginning of the course I was working as QA Automation Engineer, so the program was mostly focused on preparing QAs.

    Positions of students: 3 - Manual QA, 1 - QA Automation, 1 - Developer.

[2021 UPDATE] Two years after the course their positions have changed: 3 developers, 1 manual qa, 1 automation qa.

Conclusion 🔗

    The results show that with proper motivation and desire anyone can enter IT industry no matter which education and level of English they have.

    All 5 students didn’t know what to do with their University diplomas. Around 5 years each of them spent studying school courses which did not lead them to a desired and well paid job.

    In future I hope to update the tables with more people who found their new career path in IT.

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. © Anthony J. D’Angelo