IT Blog by Ilarion Halushka

Sharing thoughts and experience

Time Management Tips

2 mins

Time Man

Ask yourself questions 🔗

  • “Does this activity bring me closer to my goal?”
  • “Can I delegate this task to someone?”
  • “Do I enjoy what I am doing?”

Techniques 🔗

  • plan your day.
  • plan your year.
  • limit distractions.
  • focus on one thing at a time.
  • surround yourself with right people.

  • track time.
  • set up the environment.
  • master the pomodoro technique.
  • don’t switch context too often.
  • know where you are going: set lifetime goals.

Set life goals 🔗

    It’s good to set goals for your lifetime and then align your plans for each year and plans for each day with those lifetime goals.

    To get best results you have to set high goals. You will never exceed your highest expectations.

“You can have the best ship in the world, but if the captain doesn’t know where to go, he’s going to just drift around and is going to get lost.” © Arnold Schwarzenegger

Plan Your Year 🔗

    Set measurable goals. Not “go to the gym”, but “lose 5 kg by the end of summer”, “do 100 push-ups every morning”, “go to the gym every Mon, Wed, Fri”. Not “read books”, but “read 10 pages every day” and preferably create the definite list of books to read.

    I prefer to set as many and as high goals as possible. Even though, I realistically understand that I won’t be able to accomplish all of them, I still accomplish more when I set higher goals.

“Take the top and you will have the middle” © Gregory Skovoroda

Plan Your Day 🔗

    Unachievable goal of time management is to plan every single minute of a day. Even though, it’s not possible to plan every single minute of the next day you should still try to get as close as 15 minute time slots planned. It may seem easy, but in reality - not quite :)

    My example of planning for the next day:

  • 6:00-6:15 hygiene + education (conference talk, podcast about tech);
  • 6:15-6:45 breakfast + education;
  • 6:45-6:55 review plans for the year, for today, plan next day;
  • 6:55-7:05 read book #1;
  • 7:05-7:15 read book #2;
  • 7:15-7:35 sport + education;
  • 7:35-7:50 shower

Time spent enjoying life was not wasted.

Life is a marathon, not a sprint.