IT Blog by Ilarion Halushka

Sharing thoughts and experience

Why Testers Hate Developers

1 min

I have been on both sides 🔗

    In the beginning of my career in IT I was working as Manual QA and then Automation QA. I still remember how frustrating it is to work with unprofessional and not responsible developers.

Situations I hated when working with developers as QA Engineer 🔗

  • Said deployed code when in fact not.
  • Asked to check small fix instead of checking it himself.
  • Deployed a critical feature at last hour of working day.
  • Fixed one thing - broke 5 other places.
  • Fixed a bug in one place when it occurs on 10 other pages too.
  • Fixes related bugs one by one and asks to test them asap instead of fixing all together.
  • Notified about refactoring which requires regression testing.
  • Says it’s fixed but page can’t even open.
  • Fights that bug is a feature.
  • Pushed a feature for testing without checking happy paths.
  • Pushes new changes after a feature was fully tested.
  • No time for testing feature before release because developers haven’t finished on time.

Phrases I hated 🔗

  • “It works locally (on other env).”
  • “Can you try again? I will check logs.”
  • “That wasn’t a part of product specs.”
  • “Why did you wait so long to find this issue? Why you have not found this earlier?”
  • “I won’t fix it. This bug is not related to my changes. It’s already in production.”

Unprofessional developers 🔗

    I think that problems mentioned above come from indifference and unresponsible attitude to work.

    A good book that makes developers think about their behavior is Clean Coder.

Confession 🔗

    As time went by, I gained more experience in a role of developer. At some point I started noticing myself doing things which I knew from previous experience were frustrating for our QA engineers. It’s some interesting psychology.

    Due to the fact I have been to both sides of the table, I know how hard it is for tester to work with unprofessional developers. So I am trying to catch myself, stop and think about my actions and how to at least annoy QAs less than other developers :0